Future of Telecom

For Space19+, ESA has identified several key areas in which Europe’s industry needs to innovate to compete on the global stage and deliver societal and economic benefits to its citizens.
Satellite communications underpin almost every part of our everyday life. One key area of innovation is the integration of space assets into the preparations for 5G, to help deliver its promise of worldwide connectivity. 5G will open up a wealth of new business opportunities in the frame of the ‘Internet of Things’, connectivity in automated transport and logistics, media and broadcasting and public safety and security.
The secure, ‘Big Data’ capabilities of optical communications make it the future of satcoms, and an area in which Europe’s industry is already a world leader. Further investment in these competences will help Europe remain at the cutting-edge of global telecommunications.
Future secure governmental communications services are another key area of development. Satellite communications can boost safety and security on Earth by transmitting important information and allowing private information to stay secure. They can also step in when terrestrial means fail, such as during natural disasters to aid emergency response.
ESA plans to strengthen its support for innovation in products, services, applications, and large-scale partnerships with industry to help stimulate competitive leaps forward in societal and economic impact.
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