ESA title


Space provides a unique environment for scientists and researchers to investigate processes and technology that could enhance life on Earth while allowing us to explore farther.


Mars revisited

If aliens looked for life on a future Earth with its oceans and fertile lands lost to time, where would they start?

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A Sherlock Holmes for Mars

The crime scene is an impact crater and the mystery is an elusive one for scientists – detecting life’s fingerprints on Mars.

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Stable foams and unstable muscles – a month of European Space Station science

European experiments have been looking at how human muscles react to living in weightlessness or used the lack of gravity’s pull to investigate foams. A recap of the European science run on the International Space Station in May. The Myotones experiment is testing the biomechanical properties of astronauts’ muscles and tendons and how they change […]

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European science continues after Beyond

ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano returned to Earth 5 February after setting new European spaceflight records, but European science continues in space. Many facilities run continuously in the background on the International Space Station, steadily gathering more data in weightlessness for researchers on Earth.

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