ESA title

Lunch with the Moon

Watch ESA’s real-time coverage of the total lunar eclipse live on Wednesday, 26 May, including fascinating insights into Earth’s enigmatic satellite, the Moon.

Lunar Eclipse Webcast 26 May 11:30 CEST start

Lunar eclipses occur when the Moon is engulfed by Earth’s shadow and the only sunlight that reaches its surface passes through our planet’s atmosphere, giving it a beautiful red-orange tint.

It will be the only total lunar eclipse of this year, and that same evening the Moon will be just 357 311 km away, often called a ‘Super Moon’.

Forward to the Moon

  • Despite the first human visit more than 50 years ago, the Moon remains largely unexplored yet promises to help us understand the formation of our planet, how crucial chemicals like water, necessary for life, came to the Earth-Moon system, and how we could one day use resources on the Moon to enable human colonies.
  • In the near future, ESA will go ‘forward to the Moon’ when the European Service Module powers NASA’s Orion mission into lunar orbit, and in the next decade, ESA will play a key role in the development of the Gateway, an orbiting science station that will support future human landings.

The live programme will provide commentary on this fantastic eclipse, with special guest astronomers, scientists, engineers and experts from Europe and Australia.

Programme segments will explain the basic science behind a lunar eclipse and highlight ESA’s ambitious plans for the next decade of space exploration, including the Orion Service Module, the deep-space Gateway, high-speed communication, a network of data-relay orbiters and the cutting-edge technology needed to support sustainable exploration on and beneath the lunar surface.

The programme will include a live video feed of the Moon provided courtesy of CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, from ESA’s deep-space ground station at New Norcia, Western Australia, as the eclipse is not visible from Europe.

ESA’s New Norcia station in Australia. Credits: ESA/S. Marti

Watch live Wednesday, 26 May, via ESA WebTV &

  • 09:30-11:30 UTC/GMT
  • 11:30-13:30 CEST (W. Europe)
  • 17:30-19:30 AWST (Perth, W. Australia)
  • 19:30-21:30 AEST (Brisbane, Queensland)

‘Totality’ – when the Moon passes completely into Earth’s shadow: 13:11-13:25 CEST | 19:11-19:25 AWST | 21:11-21:25 AEST

Programme scheduled guests

  • Suzy Jackson, New Norcia Station Manager, CSIRO
  • Ines Belgacem, Planetary Scientist, ESA
  • Malcolm Davidson, ESA Earth & Mission Sciences Division, ESA
  • Juergen Schlutz, ESA Moon Strategy Officer, ESA
  • Elodie Viau, Director for Telecommunications and Integrated Applications, ESA
  • Francesco Sauro, Director of CAVES and PANGAEA exploration programmes
  • Gianfraco Visentin, Head of Automation and Robotic Section, ESA
  • James Carpenter, Exploration Science Coordinator, ESA
  • Karen Lee-Waddell, Director Australian SKA Regional Centre, CSIRO & ICRAR

Moderators: Thomas Ormston & Nadjejda Vicente

Social media

#LunarEclipse2021 and #ForwardToTheMoon

Twitter: @esaspaceflight, @esaoperations, @CSIRO

More information

Moon visibility may be affected by weather conditions.