The main task for today’s spacewalk, replacing the Sequential Shunt Unit (SSU), is complete ahead of schedule. In the darkness of space Tim Kopra and Tim Peake replaced the faulty unit with the spare they bought with them. They had a 30-minute timer as they could only switch the voltage regulator when the Station’s solar panels were not generating any power. Every 90 minutes the Space Station passes from darkness into sunlight and then back again. In Earth’s shadow the Tims spent special attention to ensure the SSU fit perfectly, any gap or play between the connections could result in high-voltage sparks as soon as the solar panels started current flowing. Everything went very smoothly and the Tims continued onto their next tasks for the spacewalk.


Inspecting failed unit.

Inspecting failed unit.

Waiting for darkness.

Waiting for darkness.

Unpacking replacement.

Unpacking replacement.

Installing the new unit

Installing the new unit