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Matthias Maurer

Watch Matthias Maurer return to Earth with Crew-3

After almost six months aboard the International Space Station, ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer is coming home. Watch all the action, from undocking to splashdown, live on ESA Web TV channel 2.

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Matthias Maurer

Watch live: Cosmic Kiss news conference

ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer will soon be launched to the International Space Station for his first mission, ‘Cosmic Kiss’. Tune in to ESA Web TV Two from 9:00 CEST (8:00 BST) to 10:00 CEST (9:00 BST) Thursday 9 September to watch his pre-launch news conference and learn what awaits him in orbit.

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Lunch with the Moon

Watch ESA’s real-time coverage of the total lunar eclipse live on Wednesday, 26 May, including fascinating insights into Earth’s enigmatic satellite, the Moon.

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