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Wide range of applications for ESA’s astronaut selection

Aspiring astronauts from across Europe are awaiting the next step in ESA’s astronaut selection, following the 18 June closure of the Agency’s first application period in 11 years.

Though figures are not yet final, initial numbers indicate more than 22 000 people submitted an application to ESA’s astronaut vacancy notices. During ESA’s last call for astronauts in 2008, the number of applicants who provided a medical certificate and finalised their online application form was 8413.

Through this recruitment round, more than 200 people applied for the newly-established astronaut (with a physical disability) vacancy, and around 5 400/24% of all astronaut applicants identify as female – in 2008, this figure was 15.5%.

The 2021 astronaut selection is the first time ESA has issued a vacancy for an astronaut with a physical disability. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will work with ESA to determine the adaptations required for such an astronaut to serve as a professional crew member on a future space mission.

Applications have been received from all Member and Associate Member states. This includes Lithuania, whose citizens recently became eligible for selection because of the country’s new status as an ESA Associate Member.

View preliminary information on number and location of applicants. 

Read this article in full on the ESA website and stay tuned to the Your Way To Space page for all the latest astronaut selection updates.