Another striking image of the Ma’at region of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta’s descent onto the surface of the comet, taken with the OSIRIS narrow-angle camera at 08:21 GMT from an altitude of about 5.7 km.

Comet 67P/C-G viewed with Rosetta’s OSIRIS NAC on 30 September 2016, 5.7 km from the surface. Credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA
The image scale is about 11 cm/pixel and the image measures about 225 m across.
Rosetta’s target impact region is visible in the lower right portion of the image.
The features in the upper part of the image are also present in the lower part of the previously published Comet landing descent image – 5.8 km.
This image is featured as the last image in the second row of the OSIRIS NAC composite of descent images showing Rosetta’s landing site.
Note: details added to this post on 2 October.
Discussion: 2 comments
Al igual que los microorganismos, el humano se prepara para dar el salto hacia otro u otros huéspedes, al fin y al cabo todo es cuestión de supervivencia.
We have seen this feature a few times before, but never with this resolution.
Prior to this I have tried to ascertain if the cliff edge has been moving, but there was not enough detail.
Here we can see a slab at the back of the cliff breaking off and sliding away on the lower cliff corner of the left hand top corner of the picture.
Its good to finally see how its breaking up, but sad that it is one of the last pictures.
Thanks to the whole team for sharing the information and keeping a calming influence on a sometimes rowdy blog. initially we thought we were not having enough sight of the data, but with what has been released, how wrong we were, it has been a model of how to run a blog and how to release information. Thanks very much again to the whole team and contributors.
Its been a gas, gas, gas