Update 3: Third time wasn’t the charm, high winds have called for another day’s wait. New launch set for 21:44 GMT 6 December.
Update 2: The launch was postponed again due to weather. New time set for 22:10 GMT 5 December.
Update: the launch was postponed due to weather conditions. New time set for 4 December 22:32 GMT. Also, we neglected to mention that AstroPi will be aboard. Read their excellent blog for more details.
Tonight, Orbital’s fourth Cygnus supply vessel will be launched from Cape Canaveral, USA, headed towards the International Space Station. As the spacecraft will stay attached to the Station for over a month, ESA astronaut Tim Peake will be able to float inside and help unpack the cargo during his Principia mission that is launching 15 December.
The Cygnus has been upgraded and will carry over 3000 kg of supplies and scientific experiments. For ESA this Cygnus will be carrying spare parts for Biolab.

ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti working with Biolab in Columbus space laboratory. Credits: ESA/NASA
Biolab is Europe’s biological experiment laboratory that Tim will use during his six-month stay on the Space Station. It allows for research on plants, invertebrates, cells and tissue cultures in an enclosed place.
The replacement parts include connectors, a door cover, filters, new gloves for working with and a sponge.
Watch the Cygnus launch live from 21:30 GMT on NASA Television below:
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