@astro_timpeake This is all down to you, my little 4 yr old Martha's mad about you and ❤️s all the photos.Thanks. X
— Lisa Addinall (@Poppykins4ever) April 4, 2016
@astro_timpeake my 4 year old made this today with alittle help #proudmammy
— Lynsey⚽ (@Lynsey_nufc) April 4, 2016
Hello @astro_timpeake My name is Sorley. I am 5. I made this rocket. I hope you are enjoying space.
— Edith facenna (@edith_facenna) April 3, 2016
@astro_timpeake the kids have been busy making a space rocket, complete with Tim Peake astronaut!
— Joanna Evens (@JoannaEvens) April 3, 2016
- Dear Major Peake, My granny always waves at you in the International Space Station when you go over Northampton, UK. I have made a rocket to show you! I am doing a project at school about a famous person and I have chosen you. Please can you tell me what you liked to do at school and waive to my granny from space. Thank you and have fun, from Aimee, age 7
- Hi, my son really wanted to show Tim this photo. His name is Rupert and he is 4 years old. He made a solar system all by himself (with a little bit of help from 10 year old big brother Hugh). Both of them and brother George (aged 8) have loved seeing your photos and we wave to Tim when he passes over. Thank you for all your inspiration.
- These are photographs of our daughter Jessica’s award-winning Tim Peak egg blasting off from Earth to the ISS for “Mission Poachipia”! Jessica is a P6 pupil from Glasgow, Scotland and will be 11 years old this Sunday! Jessica is very proud of her egg! Jennifer Provan
- This is Maisy, she is 5 years old.. She loves following Tim Peake on Facebook
- My 3 year old daughter (Charlotte) spent about an hour this afternoon colouring a picture of “Tim Peake when he was little”. Apparently this isn’t his first foray into space after all?! (She had a little help colouring the sky obviously but did the rest on her own)
Discussion: 4 comments
Hello Tim ,
I am Ellie from Stoneydelph primary. Right now we are with Nikki that works at the ESA. She has taught us lots of new things all about the ISS and space including you. If Nikki wasn’t here now I wouldn’t be contacting you. I have a question or 2 for you
1. Does it feel different in space without gravity compared to earth with gravity?
2. Did it feel weird yesterday as it was your birthday without seeing your family?
Many thanks
Ellie x
Hi Tim,
We are year 5s from stoneydelph primary and we want to ask you some questions about space.
. How do you go to the loo in space?
What is it like in space?
How do you drink in space?
How long did it take for you get to space?
Why did you want to go to space?
Hi Tim
My name is Emily and I am from stoneydelph primary school
We have been finding out information all about your hard work in space
I would like to know some answers to these questions
How did you become interested in space?
How long does it thake to arrive in space?
What do you eat in space?
How did you feel before going into space ?
How do you entertain yourself ?
Hey Tim,
I am Ellie and I would like to know… Do you have internet in space??