Here are our favourite messages to Tim Peake from the week of 19 February.
Aimee’s half term homework!! Incredibly proud and very amused by our little film maker 🙂 🙂
Posted by Natasha East on Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Hello, I’m sure your bombarded with messages for Tim Peake every day. He’s doing such an amazing job of capturing imaginative minds everywhere. I would be really grateful if you could pass this message on to him. My 9 year old daughter has made a stop frame animation of his journey so far for her half term holiday homework. A friend mentioned that we should send it to you and Aimee almost popped at the thought that Tim Peake might actually see it. Please ask him to keep posting all his amazing photographs, they are truely inspiring J Many Thanks, Natasha East
- My 4 year old twins are always taking about Tim and are really excited when they hear news of his missions in space. My little boy now wants to be a spaceman like Tim! I asked them yesterday afternoon what they fancied doing. My little boy replied “Please can we make rockets and send them to spaceman Tim!?” So we did just that!!
- My daughter’s Reception class watched Tim’s broadcast and created this display. My daughter is a HUGE fan of Tim and everything relating to space and built a rocket costume for herself a few weeks ago. Her name is Meg Callaghan and her school is Hornsby House School in London. It would be a real thrill for her (and for me and my husband :)) if you’d pass this photo on to Tim. Thank you so much!
- William Green aged three now has his very own space station in his bedroom, and waves at you every time you pass over head. Thanks for the great inspiration! #TimPeak #InternationalSpaceStation #Astronauts #ISS
- Hi folks, Major Tim Peake inspired our 5 year old son Thomas to dress up as an astronaut for his school’s ‘I wish I was a…’ He wanted me to send some photo’s ‘thumbs up Tim!’
- Hi my little girl has just made a space rocket all by herself and wanted to show Tim. Her name is Poppy 6 on Saturday (13 Feb).
Hello @astro_timpeake this is our space display that we made at Willand Holiday Club! The children hope you like it!
— Sam Jones (@Sam_SammyJo) February 19, 2016
@astro_timpeake @Space_Station Two very happy girls waving frantically at you Tim.
— Treasa Walsh (@Treasa8) February 18, 2016
Amateur Radio Call with Oasis Brightstowe
5 minutes to go @astro_timpeake #oabspace
— Oasis Brightstowe (@OABrightstowe) February 19, 2016
Cracking signal from ISS here in #Southend and great to hear Tim @astro_timpeake above us in #essex
— Essex Ham (@EssexHam) February 19, 2016
WOW, Jack Long, Ben's brother got to ask Tim Peake a question! #proud This link up is fantastic.
— Avon Primary School (@AvonPrimarySch) February 19, 2016
@astro_timpeake receiving you loud and clear in a thrown together radio room #WhatWeDo #Principia @aircadets
— 129 Sqn Air Cadets (@129Sqn) February 19, 2016
It's incredible how @astro_timpeake really inspiring youngsters. Chloe is over the moon to have heard him #hamr
— Dan Trudgian (@M0TGN) February 19, 2016
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