16 June 2016, 19:00 CEST
Many thanks for all your well thought applications, we received way more than we could accommodate! Lucky winners have been notified, but there is a waitlist, means: In case of cancellation somebody else can take the seat. We’ll keep you posted!
13 June 2016
Please note that for logistical reasons we had to prepone the #SpaceBourget17 events to 23 and 24 June. Further details below.
Do you love Space? Are you a blogger/vlogger, instagramer or other avid follower of ESA’s and other space activities on social media? Then apply to join us at the Paris Air and Space Show at Le Bourget, France, on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 Friday 23 and Saturday 24 June 2017 – we’ll be giving away a limited amount of free tickets to our social media followers!

The ESA Pavilion at the Paris Air and Space Show 2015. Image: ESA. S. Angelstein.
ESA’s exhibition pavilion will feature exciting missions and projects across all space domains, from space science and technology to future plans for human spaceflight, robotic exploration and more.
Come and visit us to learn more about our missions such as ExoMars orbiting the Red Planet, BepiColombo launching to Mercury, our next generation launcher Ariane 6 or the future of human spaceflight and exploration.

Thomas Pesquet meets the public at the ESA pavilion, June 2015. Image: ESA, P.Sebirot.
Listen, meet and chat with our experts, take a tour of the pavilion and even seize the opportunity to chat with our Director General Jan Woerner, e.g. about his plans for a village on the Moon or future international collaboration. Don’t miss your chance to snap, post, tweet, blog, vlog, share this experience with the rest of the world – there might also be a very special guest giving a very special talk!
Dates, times and venue (please note times have changed!)
We’d like welcome you at the ESA pavilion at Paris Air and Space Show in Le Bourget, France, on 23 June 2017 and 24 June 10:00 to approx. 15:00 (all times CEST – of course the tickets are valid full-day!).
Please find information on how to get to Paris Air Show here.
For active social media users
This event is designed for people who
- Have a keen interest in Space, Space Science and Technology
- Actively use social media channels, platforms and tools to share information with a unique audience
- Regularly produce new content and make, share and reuse images, audio and video
- Can reach audiences using their social media channels and at offline venues such as presentations at schools, universities and clubs
- Have previous postings that are respected and accurate
How to apply & join
To apply for one of the free tickets, please send an email to social.media at esa.int
Be sure to include your name, social media name(s), profile links and contact information, and a few words describing your motivation or interest in joining.
Applications may be submitted for one person only and are non-transferable. Please do not submit multiple applications. All applicants must be at least 18 years old on 24 June 2017 or otherwise accompanied by an adult.
Free entrance and WiFi access will be provided. Individual participants are responsible for all other travel, accommodation or miscellaneous expenses. The event will be held in English and French. Of course Questions can be answered in a variety of languages on an as-available basis.
The application period closes Friday 16 June 2017, 08:00 CEST.
Selection and invitations
The number of tickets is limited. Once all applications have been reviewed, an invitation email with confirmation information and additional instructions will be sent to the selected participants and to those on a possible waiting list no later than 16 June 2017. We will keep you posted of progress.
In Twitter, follow @Social4Space, @esa_exhibitions and visit this (SocialSpace) blog for the latest news. We will use these channels to post updates about the event.
The official hashtags are #SpaceBourget17 and #PAS17
More info is available on the ESA Exhibitions website, this is where you’ll also find the full programme of ESA events at the Paris Air and Space show.
We’re looking forward to meet you there!
Discussion: 8 comments
nous avons fait la même école d’ingénieur isae. il est plus jeune que moi. j’ai ete diplômé en 1992. j’ai aussi ete pilote privé, fait du parachutisme et du planeur à l’école. je vis aujourd’hui aux usa ou j’ai travaillé toute ma carrière dans l’aeronautique commerciale spatiale et militaire. thomas a porté le social média en orbite en nous montrant la vie dans la station internationale et des images extraordinaires de notre planète si chère. il incarne la jeunesse, la passion, la persistance d’aller au bout de ses rêves. il est le renouveau que nous vivons. il est un exemple pour nous tous. ce serait un privilège de le rencontrer en personne.
I have a dream when I was younger: become an astronaut.
I followed a “training ” at the space camp Patrick baudry in Cannes when I was teenager … It was a pleasure to follow the proxima mission trough the publications of Thomas and of course I would be very happy to join you at space Bourget 2017!
Best regards,
Why humanity does want to go on Mars?
Or who in humanity wants , and for which reason ? Why to spend so much money for space adventure, on studies about human capacity to travel out of earth?
And is it possible ? And evenmore, what is le most’suitable : yo travel towards a empty planet or to find another civilization ? Did we send a strong light signal towards andromede, ? These kind of questions show that everyone is deeply interested by spatial consideration.So am I
Love Space. Followed Thomas Pesquet on social médias. Visited Kennedy Space center Last year.
Would be so happy to go to Space Bourget show…
Pilote privé depuis 1981, mon plus grand plaiisr serait de dialoguer, moi et ma fille (20ans) avec les astronautres du monde entier.
How to do apply for this show? I don’t have any clue. please help me with application form 🙂
J’ai suivi M. Pesquet, via Facebook, tout au long de sa mission, ayant visité le site de la NASA en Floride ( côté visiteur bien évidemment), autant vous dire que celle ci m’a passionné…
En effet, je serai ravie d’assister à une de ses conférences durant laquelle il partagerait son expérience.
Comment a-t-il vécu cette concrétisation d’un rêve de gosse ? Qu’est ce que cette expérience a apporté de concret à l’ESA et que va t-elle lui apporter pour l’avenir ? Bien évidemment, j’ai encore beaucoup d’autres questions auxquelles je serai ravie d’avoir des réponses. C’est pour cela que je souhaite vivement participer à cette rencontre.
Dans l’espoir d’une réponse favorable.
Spatialement vôtre.
Mlle Poulain
This is incredible! I never in a million years would have known about this if not for sheer happenstance. I really wish the US would have such a transparent space procgram s you now do. I will be looking to this site for my space information going forward! thank you and keep up the great work!