To celebrate the success of Rosetta and to keep a long-lasting record of its impact on the world, we invite you to share your personal experiences and feelings about how the mission has influenced you.
Perhaps you followed the mission via this blog, the news or other social media channels, and found a special link between the spacecraft visiting Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko and your own experience.
Maybe you’ve been stimulated to create art, music, or a theatrical production, or perhaps you brought Rosetta and Philae into your every day life at home through creative activities or games with your children. Or did you learn about the mission at school? Maybe you based a project on Rosetta and Philae’s adventures, or even made a further education or career choice inspired by the mission.
To get some idea of what you’ve been up to, we invite you to tell us and the world what this extraordinary mission has meant to you over the past few months/years, by contributing to the newly-opened Rosetta Legacy tumblr page.
Submissions can be in the form of text, images, video files or links (including links to audio material): anything that expresses your thoughts, feelings or personal experiences inspired by Rosetta.

Plush toy inspired by the Rosetta & Philae cartoon characters (also available on
Each week, we will select up to five spot prize winners from the most recent submissions to receive a Rosetta and Philae plush toy.
We will accept submissions until 7 October 2016, but those received before 21 September will also be in with a chance to be showcased during the live programme of Rosetta’s end-of mission-event that will be streamed from ESA’s European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany, on 30 September.
In addition, out of all the submitted contributions, ESA will select one top prize winner who will be invited for a special visit to the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), ESA’s technical ‘heart’ located in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
We look forward to receiving your entries and hearing all about your experience with Rosetta!
Rules regarding the competition aspect of the campaign are provided here.
Discussion: 7 comments
Lighting up the big darkness that surrounds us opens up my horizon a bit more. And now it feels like loosing a little friend out there in the inconceivability. He will keep on going without any chance to be seen by us.
Robot can already do a lot more than most people are aware of. The awesome activities of Rosetta and Philae during the last few years and especially the last 18 months have confirmed to em that for a very long time to come space exploration will be pushed forward by robots. First life outside our planet will most probably be found by a robot..
It’s fascinating technology and shows the sum-mum of what we’re capable of. It’s therefore even more unacceptable to find that while we (have to) stay on earth or at least close by, there are still so many conflicts and disagreements that prevent us to work as a species to move forward in guaranteeing the future of the next generations.
“El astrónomo tal vez te habla sobre su entendimiento del espacio, pero él no puede darte su entendimiento.
El músico tal vez te canta sobre el ritmo que está en todo espacio, pero él no puede darte el oído que capta el ritmo, ni la voz que lo repite.
…porque la visión de un hombre no le presta sus alas a otro.
Cada uno de nosotros debe caminar solo a través de los misterios de la tierra.
Jalil Gibran, poeta mahjar.
I see Rosetta’s mission as being the culmination of numerous previous missions to comets over the last 30 years. Each of them told us something but, being flyby missions, couldn’t discern the detail that Rosetta’s various instruments have been able to glean over a much longer timeline.
Its findings will no doubt keep scientists busy for many years.
The pity is that, according to Matt Taylor in an interview on Facebook, there is nothing in the offing for anything similar from ESA, at least in the medium term.
I suppose the obvious next mission would involve either a sample return, or in situ laboratory, like a mini Curiosity rover. And Philae has given them the data they need to do that successfully.
All in all, a hell of an achievement. A pity that the likes of Whipple and Biermann weren’t still around to see it.
Should one now aim for a (more dangerous) mission at a comet with a much lower dust-to-gas ratio, with a lot of travelling up and down the coma? The idea would be to get a better distinction between non-volatile and volatile outbursts, and to build a more robust theory of ion tail formation. After we have some more analysis regarding the chemical compositions, if the data is favourable, a determined roving search for pre-life and/or life is another possibility for a mission.
As young student of space technology in the 80th after the GIOTTO mission I heard about the invitation of NASA for a comet mission and in system engineering we discussed the possibilities of such space probe missions.
In the 90th I was joining the ESA perpetrator study and heard for the first time the name ROSETTA.
In the late 90th I was as system engineer responsible of the High Gain Major Antenna Assembly.
For us engineers those technological parts of the orbiter where a little bit like our personal “message in a bottle” (that’s what I thought after the delivery review, as the antenna leaves Switzerland).
Several other space projects where crossing my way, but none had the spirit of Rosetta. I followed the steps of the space probe over its complete history.
The missing of the launch window, the search of a new target, the launch, the first earth flyby, mars, the pass of the two asteroids, the hibernation and most important for me the contact after 31 month.
Yes Rosetta had a great impact on my life and I am proud to be a member of the community which has realized this project. I think it is a great gift for each person who had put hands (direct or indirect) on Rosetta that the bottle could reach a beach.
As a 67 year old retired engineer, the Rosetta mission reignited my interest in dreaming about other worlds, worlds far, far away!; one of those “worlds” I could see from Rosetta’s pictures. The mission diverted me away from the day to day mayhem of life on earth and re-showed me the peace, tranquility, and precision that science and real data have to offer. It made me stop and think about all the things I get upset about on earth and I wondered, are my emotional reactions based on real data?; if not, I should be getting the data first, then reacting, just as the Rosetta team was doing! I was overwhelming enthralled by the orbital mechanic’s calculations that had to have happened to get Rosetta in “orbit” about 67P. The graphical “movies” of the orbital changes needed left me speechless! So complicated and executed with such precision!; I wish I could have been on the team doing that work! This reminded me of the “brotherhood” shared by people who do scientific calculations and brought me back to my youth as a young engineer doing similar, albeit, much less complicated calculations and the joy and camaraderie that is often felt in a scientific community, e.g., like ESA. Additionally, I was often impressed by the general public who offered ideas/solutions; lots of smart people in this world! I have to say that this was probably the second most important scientific event that has happened in my lifetime; the first being the first astronauts landing on the moon but hey, that was only 385,000km away, not the 1 billion km of 67P! I look forward to the future missions of space exploration when carried out in such a professional way! And lastly, my hat goes off to all the men and women who worked, either directly or indirectly, on this mission and I give a humble salute and tribute to a “job well done!”
May Rosetta & little Philae R.I.P.