Next media briefing on the Philae comet landing will start at 14:00 CET today, at ESA’s Operations Centre, Darmstadt, Germany. Watch the media briefing live via webcast.
Media briefing 14:00 CET start
- access_time 13/11/2014
- chat_bubble_outline 32 comments
Written by
Daniel Scuka works on the ESA Communication team.
13 November 2014
Ambition the film

Click image to watch Ambition
Read Rosetta: the ambition to turn science fiction into science fact
Mission milestones
Event | Date |
Launch | 2 Mar 2004 |
Earth swingby | 4 Mar 2005 |
Mars swingby | 25 Feb 2007 |
... more |
Discussion: 32 comments
Can’t wait for the news 🙂
Wann gehts los?
how much longer until the update? (I don’t know CET time)
We are waiting emotionally for the good news!!
Media briefing delayed? Oh wait, there it is…!
They land precisely on the minute after 10 years, but they are never on time for a press conference. Rocket scientists…
Anyway, they did a tremendous job. Chapeau!
Well done all involved, a truly remarkable achievement. Now its incumbent on you all to keep the masses updated with all of the developments as they happen. An entire worlds imagination has been lit and we want more!!
Its great that Philae is actually in contact with Rosetta and planet earth. The location and the amount of sunlight is important and also whether this will change as 67/p circles the sun. clearly there’s some sunlight as the shadow of Philae’s foot can be seen in the published montage image.
This was always a very risky mission. That we have a functioning lander already delivering its primary science is truly amazing and any lost opportunities have to be put into context. Bravo ESA!!
there is an ugly echo
Is it possible that the cliff brought the lander to a halt as it was bouncing?
Well done! Regardless of where Philae has ended up after its wanderings, this is an absolutely amazing achievement, and one to be extremely proud of. I have no doubt that whatever Philae’s situation, the scientists will manage to cope and get good results.
Very best wishes for even more success from Holliston, Massachusetts, USA.
Regarding the less amount of sunlight.. Is it possible to turn the Rosetta orbiter around so that sunlight could reflect from its solar panels down to Philea lander.. ?
why the apparatus bounced off the surface two times? Didn’t this has been foreseen during the project preparation? Or the actual surface properties happened to be far different than what we expected?
I’m sure this was taken into account.
Thank you, ESA!!! I hope everything will be fine with Philae and Rosetta.
Harpoons fired and caused the bounce of the spacecraft because they did not manage to anchor…
clap clap clap clap too 🙂
Absolutely fantastic! Congrats to ESA!
A cautious wait and see then. Naturally all the journos want answers to questions that the scientists are working on now. They want answers to questions we all want to ask. We are curious, WE are the reason that WE sent Rosetta there in the first place.
It was good to see Chris Lyntott ask a question from ‘The Sky At Night’ television programme team. Welcome Chris…Come on Philae…survive and prosper. Good luck!
What a staggering achievement, delighted that Philae has made it to the surface, looking forward to reading more about the tomography results and seeing more of those beautiful images. Congratulations to everyone.
Congratulation for the first touch down on a comet in our solarsytem. I am grateful for the privileage to be an eyewiitness. When the first German ” Werner von Braun rocket ” reached 200 km in orbit around 1940 in Peenemünde, I was not yet born (1944). But in 1969 I witnessed the famous Appollo landings on the moon.
[link to (secure)] RT @BBCAmos: Bibring: “Thought we’d land in powder but material looks like rock.”
Amazing job guys and girls, would it be that after collecting all the data and nearing the end of battery life to use the arm that collects material to push us off to a better position to get better sunlight ?
It’s wonderful to see the intelligence we have to be used wisely. Science fiction becames science fact.
Events like this, really give us encouragement and hope for a better future for mankind.
Another little jump and Philae might have turned over from the rock , “she” is standing next to right now !…
Then nothing would have been left to report from !…
Fingers crossing seems to help !
Amazing and Stunning ! Just wonderful. Congratulations to everyone involved! Well Done! 😀
I have wondered since the media has reported that the deployment is automatic so could not the harpoons not have fired and that caused it to bounce off the surface please ?
may we learn more than we can possibly imagine! 🙂
amazing. me too…
this is soooo cool!
Congratulations to all teams. Astounding achievements; fantastic pictures; incredible science… and there is still more to come!! 10+ years of great work.
Maybe the last “hop” was ‘the lucky one’ , after all , and the damage to the 3rd foot was her ” saving” from another hop … with potential fatal damage ! …. Who will know ?
Let’s count ‘our blessings’…..
The teams on assessment and comm need focus and precise timing. The executives and reaching teams need to attend to university teams, public and press pressures. This is dangerous. Everybody please don’t push shoulders 🙂
At this distances is always a dance with the future. Not the slightest chance of abrupt changes.
Maybe the landing surface is quite different that the one imagine. Maybe the landing speed was higher than expected. I tope they can collect as much data as possible forma a new vehicle in a next approach. Maybe roseta can be taken just to a few meters of surface for a complete map of the rock y flier