Artist impression of Rosetta approaching comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Credits: Spacecraft: ESA/ATG medialab; Comet: ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM
The second Go/NoGo, comprising two steps, confirms that:
- Commands to control separation and delivery are now complete and ready. That is, the Flight Dynamics Team at ESOC have prepared the final instructions to be uploaded to Rosetta to command the delivery operations on board.
- The Flight Control Team at ESOC have checked and verified the overall health of the spacecraft, ensuring it is ready to perform.
- The next expected Go/NoGo – confirming that Philae is ready for separation – will be delayed until about 02:35 GMT/03:35 CET
The GO was given at 00:00 GMT/ 01:00 CET.
Discussion: 18 comments
there’s a typo I think… 3rd Go/NoGo decision is actually delayed to 3:35 CET, right?
Fixed! Thank you… #InsufficientCoffeeForTheEditor
The text is confusing regarding the next GO/NO GO: will it be @ 01:35 or 02:35?
Next Go/NOGO, for the lander, is now set for 02:35 GMT which is 03:35 CET.
Thanks. It would be interesting to know the reasons for the delay. Any issues with Philae?
Ok guys, can please someone tell me the name of this airport radio station at the background?! I need to find out, it’s driving me crazy 🙂 Funny how our mind works, came to see some space stuff and ending up wondering about the music 😉
Until 2:35UTC… Maybe at 1:35UTC? I have the same confusion. Now is 1:25UTC, just ten minutes and we will know..
Ok definitely 2:35GMT, thanks Daniel
Good evening,
can you tell us what Happened ?
One can see some yellow on the screens…
Thanks and good luck
Qestion 1:35 / 2:35 / 3:35
that’s now don’t matter ..
that night is awesome and magic
I tired ‘Where is Rosetta’ and it does not work: I have an iMac with Yosemite installed (updated) – tried to load the page with Safari and it didn’t work, worst, with Google Chrome I had a crash of the Finder and had to log out.
Does ‘Where is Rosetta’ work on Mac Os X? Thanks anyway and waiting for the show!
Hi Sergio. You have to enable the GFX plug-in. It worked with Mavericks, but appears not work with Yosemite.
what time is that eastern time florida usa?
that’s great music, jazz, pat metheny group playing now… congrats to the dj’s !
GO PHILAE, GO!!! We are with you!!!
I am so excited waiting for #Cometlanding , Come on Philae you can do this thing ! Congrats to all team.
I feel like many years ago waiting for the moon landing. Willing to operate from your nice center.