This in this morning from ESA cargo integration engineer Kirsten MacDonell, in Kourou:

Cargo integration starts tomorrow [14 February] after the LCAM lift is set up (should start around 14:00 tomorrow). We will start with the FCPA first, then continue with the other cargo items.

The ‘LCAM’ refers to the ‘Late Cargo Access Means’, a mechanical system that enables workers to lift and lower late-load cargo items into ATV through the docking hatch.

And those who follow the ATV blog regularly (and who doesn’t?) will immediately recognise ‘FCPA’ – the Fluids Control Pump Assembly. This bit of last-minute cargo is needed on board the ISS to help astronauts convert one kind of, uhmm, liquid, into another (see Recycling urine: Last-minute cargo addition to ATV-3).

The best news? We just got a call from our colleagues on the ESA photo team, and we expect to have some very nice images of the late-load activity within this week.