ISS Symposium 2012: Day 2 highlights access_time 04/05/2012 chat_bubble_outline 0 comments The ISS Symposium 2012 has completed Day 2. The three-day symposium is covering case studies in fundamental and applied research and actual or potential spin-offs for the benefit of everyone. Loading… Written byDaniel Daniel Scuka works on the ESA Communication team. access_time 4 May 2012 chat_bubble_outline 0 comments format_list_bulleted Media Symposium programme Video Discussion: no comments ISS Symposium Day 1ISS Symposium Day 2 ISS Symposium Day 3 Message from André Kuipers CategoriesCategories Select Category About us Astronauts Biomedicine Climate Downloads Future Images Media News and updates Notes Physics Science Speakers Station operations Symposium programme Technology Video Our tag cloudAccess administrator alloy andre benefits charles christer commercial benefits CSA day3 dordain elips ESA europe exhibit exploration feuerbacher flickr fuglesang future heads of agency highlights HISPAC industry iss kuipers media nasa pk presentations press press conefernce press conference reiter replay research riter robotic arms roundtable science slides spin off strategy summary thomas
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