Sergei Volkov at a press conference before launch next to Aidyn Aimbetov and Andreas Mogensen. Credits: Roscosmos
Commander Sergei Volkov of the Soyuz TMA-18M was in radio contact with Russian ground control in Moscow to report on the crew and the latest firing of the spacecraft’s thrusters.
Sergei, for whom this his third trip in a Soyuz, spoke for all three of them and reported that they slept well, are in good shape and very happy.
He noted that the temperature in the Soyuz TMA-18M was very agreeable, as on his last two flights he had felt the temperature a little cold for his liking.
The crew are going to eat their “midday meal” that Aidyn Aimbetov was preparing as Sergei spoke on the radio. They are planned to rest at 11:00 GMT, in four hours. Soyuz astronauts rest and sleep during orbits when they are not flying above Russia as they cannot have contact with ground control.
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