Andreas in Soyuz. Note cargo strapped to the left. Credits: Energia
‘iriss’ mission director Roland Luettgens update:
All the readiness reviews have been done and everyone involves certifies they are ready for Andreas’s flight. The reviews are important and major milestones as everything has to be ready and in place for the mission.
Everything that flies with Andreas, from the scientific experiments to crew provisions have already been shipped to the launch site in Baikonur for integration into the Soyuz TMA-18M spacecraft.
The Soyuz will transport around 30 kg of scientific cargo which Andreas is using during his 10-day mission. Amongst them are experiments in the field of Human Research, Biology, Education and Technology.
In the meantime the Space Station partners are continuing preparations to relocate a Soyuz already docked to the International Space Station to make space for the arrival of Andreas and his crewmates. The Soyuz relocation will make a docking port for Andreas’s spaceship available. This relocation will take place early morning on Friday 28 August.
- Undock : ~07:09 GMT on Friday 28 Aug
- Docking : ~07:34 GMT on Friday 28 Aug
The Soyuz will move from the top of the Space Station to the back in about 30 minutes. It will be performed by the two Russian Cosmonauts Gennady Padalka and Oleg Kononenko.
After this change of location, the Station will be ready to receive the Soyuz 44S with Andreas, Sergei and Aidyn on Wednesday 2 September.
The times currently planned for launch and docking of Andreas Mogensen’s spaceship, the Soyuz 44S, are:
- Launch : ~04:34 GMT on Wednesday 2 Sep
- Docking : ~10:53 GMT on Wednesday 2 Sep
- Hatch opening : ~12:25 GMT on Wednesday 2 Sep
Andy arrived in Baikonur a few days ago and we will have our final talk before launch next week. We will talk for a last time about the details of his activities, before he heads off to the International Space Station.
…12 days and counting…..
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