ESA title

Matthias Maurer

Matthias Maurer

Updated Crew-3 launch date

NASA and SpaceX now are targeting 07:21 CET Sunday 31 October for the Crew-3 launch to the International Space Station to allow additional time for spacecraft processing. The backup launch time and date is 06:10 CET Wednesday 3 November.

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Spaceship EAC

Home of ESA astronauts to host piece of the Moon

A piece of the Moon, escorted by astronaut to ESA’s European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, Germany, will soon serve as a public symbol of Europe’s next off-Earth adventure.

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Matthias Maurer

Watch live: Cosmic Kiss news conference

ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer will soon be launched to the International Space Station for his first mission, ‘Cosmic Kiss’. Tune in to ESA Web TV Two from 9:00 CEST (8:00 BST) to 10:00 CEST (9:00 BST) Thursday 9 September to watch his pre-launch news conference and learn what awaits him in orbit.

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Samantha Cristoforetti

Targeted launch dates for Matthias and Samantha

NASA and SpaceX are continuing plans to launch Crew-3 astronauts to the International Space Station as early as Sunday 31 October, and targeting the return home of Crew-2 astronauts in the early-to-mid November timeframe.

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Matthias Maurer

European science en route to space

Astronauts are preparing to welcome SpaceX’s 23rd Cargo Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station this weekend, complete with European hardware and experiments on board.

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Matthias Maurer

Updated Space Station launch and return dates

NASA and SpaceX have adjusted the target launch date for Crew-3 to the International Space Station and the return date for Crew-2.

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Samantha Cristoforetti

Are you Cristofoready?

ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti has been assigned a second space mission and will fly to the International Space Station in spring 2022.

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Thomas and Matthias talk training in Astro Chat series

ESA astronauts Thomas Pesquet and Matthias Maurer are training for upcoming missions to the International Space Station. Follow their journey in our Astro Chat series.

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