ESA title

astronaut training


The power of AI in space exploration

What if artificial intelligence (AI) could make the impossible possible in space exploration? ESA’s Artificial Intelligence Lab for Human and Robotic Space Missions,  is dedicated to doing just that since the beginning of 2024. By combining cutting-edge AI solutions with ESA’s ambitions for the Moon, Mars and beyond, the Lab is redefining how humans and machines collaborate to explore the cosmos. 

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ESA astronaut class of 2022: Astro Chat with Marco Sieber and Claude Nicollier

In Episode 11 of this ESA Explores podcast series, we chatted with Switzerland’s first and latest ESA astronauts, Claude Nicollier and Marco Sieber.

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Road to the stars: Training for the Moon at LUNA

In the first episode of the new ESA Explores series, "Road to the stars," we chat with ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer about the LUNA facility, Europe's Moon on Earth.

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Astronaut portrait - Sławosz Uznański. Credits: ESA - A. Conigli
Sławosz Uznański-Wiśniewski

Sławosz Uznański training at the European Astronaut Centre

Project astronaut Sławosz Uznański began his training at the European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne on 1 September 2023. Over the past months, he has been diligently preparing for his future space mission. Here’s a sneak peek into what these preparations looked like.  Back to the classroom Astronaut training includes many hours of theoretical classes […]

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Astronaut portrait - Sławosz Uznański. Credits: ESA - A. Conigli
Sławosz Uznański-Wiśniewski

ESA astronaut class of 2022: Astro Chat with Sławosz Uznański

In Episode 10 of this ESA Explores podcast series, we spoke to Sławosz Uznański, an ESA project astronaut from Poland, about his training and preparations for a future mission to space.

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Mixing realities for lunar exploration

Anyone who has tried virtual reality (VR) applications knows about its many possibilities: from immersive video games and 360-degree  movies, to virtual museum tours, meetings, or journeys to space – all from the comfort of your home. ESA’s extended reality (XR) lab at the European Astronaut Centre goes one step further and uses virtual, augmented […]

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ESA astronaut class of 2022: Astro Chat with John McFall

In Episode 9 of the ESA Explores podcast series, John McFall, a member of the European astronaut reserve shares his story and explains all about ESA's "Fly!" feasibility study.

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ESA astronaut class of 2022: Astro Chat with Alexander Gerst

In Episode 8 of this ESA Explores podcast series, we chat with ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst about his role as head of astronaut operations at ESA's European Astronaut Centre, guiding the next generation of space explorers on their adventures.

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