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Thomas Pesquet

Proxima – CNES experiments

CNES has developed seven experiments that Thomas Pesquet is performing for his Proxima mission aboard the ISS.

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Thomas Pesquet

Diary entry 11: culture on the Space Station

Some clichés irritate me. Like the one that scientists, engineers or mathematicians are only interested in numbers and experiments. That is simply false. I do not claim to be an expert when it comes to music, cinema or literature, but like everyone else, I enjoy cultural activities. Which is fortunate, because without these types of entertainment, it would be difficult to last six months on the International Space Station.

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Thanks for MissionX

Hello everyone, especially all of those taking part in the Tim Peake Primary Project and Mission X! It’s great that you’re interested in my trip to space and my work aboard the International Space Station. I’ve been amazed to see so many schools, teachers and pupils working so hard and learning so much about science and space.

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Explore Tim’s photos on maps of the world

During the Principia mission Tim Peake published almost 400 pictures of our planet and life in the International Space Station. We know of three ways to to explore his pictures on a world map. They are all worth a visit as each have different scopes and features.

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Tim’s first interview back on Earth

This interview with ESA astronaut Tim Peake was recorded in Cologne, Germany, one day after his return from a six-month stay on the International Space Station.

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Tim Peake returns to Earth

ESA astronaut Tim Peake, NASA astronaut Tim Kopra and Russian Soyuz commander Yuri Malenchenko landed safely today in the Kazakh steppe after a three-hour ride in their Soyuz spacecraft. They left the International Space Station at 05:52 GMT at the end of their six-month stay on the research complex.

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Spaceship EAC

Spaceship EAC heading for the Moon

Experts at ESA’s European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, Germany, train and prepare astronauts for their missions into space. Find out how the next generation is contributing to ESA's work to explore even farther through the Spaceship EAC initiative.

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EDOS: Early detection of osteoporosis in space

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen is back on Earth and his mission over, but his bones might still be feeling the (lack of) pressure. Laurence Vico from the University of St Etienne, France, explains the ‘Early detection of Osteoporosis in Space’ study.

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