ESA title
Spaceship EAC

Earth Days: Cards on the table

Every day is Earth Day. In April, ESA hosted a workshop as part of the ESA Earth Day 2023. The three-day event at the European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in Cologne, Germany, promoted sustainability and the use of space in line with the UN sustainable development goals.

One of the highlights was the ‘Climate Fresk’ challenge, a game developed by Cédric Ringenbach to raise awareness and understanding of climate change. This scientific, collaborative, and creative tool uses a set of 42 cards to explain how climate works and the consequences of its disruption.

During the workshop, the participants, among them many ESA interns, worked in groups and discussed the cards, which were sorted and connected in order of cause and effect, based on the IPCC report. They also had time to get creative and come up with a title for their posters.

Interns at EAC taking part in a Climate Fresk workshop. Credits: ESA

Interns at EAC taking part in a Climate Fresk workshop. Credits: ESA

After completing the posters, the groups discussed their feelings and brainstormed actionable steps to reduce and contain their carbon footprint. The workshop was both informative and fun, leaving participants feeling motivated and equipped to take positive actions towards climate change.

The Climate Fresk workshop showed how educational activities can be both enjoyable and effective in raising awareness about important issues like climate change.

Interns at EAC taking part in a Climate Fresk workshop. Credits: ESA

Interns at EAC taking part in a Climate Fresk workshop. Credits: ESA

Celebrate Earth with this spectacular image of our planet captured by Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) or help in growing the ESA forest in collaboration with Treedom.