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(English) A rover gets ready for the long ride

(English) Rovers are made to roam, and what better place to roam than the great outdoors?

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(English) Mining lunar minerals with terrestrial fungi

(English) Filamentous fungi may not be the first thing most people think of when it comes to mining, but they could be the answer to construction on the Moon. João Figueira, a Master’s student with the University of Porto, Portugal, has been working with ESA and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerospace Medicine, to uncover how a unique biomining method could mould Europe’s next steps in space.

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Matthias Maurer

Mit Cosmic Kiss zur Internationalen Raumstation: Die Himmelsscheibe von Nebra

Der Himmel mit seinen Gestirnen und die Weite des Weltraums dahinter faszinieren die Menschheit seit Jahrtausenden. Nicht umsonst ließ sich ESA-Astronaut Matthias Maurer daher für das Logo seiner ersten Weltraummission Cosmic Kiss, die am 11. November 2021 in Richtung Internationale Raumstation ISS startete, unter anderem von der Himmelsscheibe von Nebra inspirieren.

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(English) Rocketing Mars

(English) A small rocket to launch samples from the surface of Mars, the first one to fire off from another planet, has a builder – NASA has awarded a contract to Lockheed Martin Space to make the Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV).

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(English) Lunch with the Moon

(English) Watch ESA’s real-time coverage of the total lunar eclipse live on Wednesday, 26 May, including fascinating insights into Earth’s enigmatic satellite, the Moon.

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(English) Internal radiation payload approved for the Gateway

(English) A suite of radiation dosimeters is the latest scientific experiment approved for the Gateway, the next spacecraft to be assembled, inhabited and operated in the vicinity of the Moon.

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(English) Mars revisited

(English) If aliens looked for life on a future Earth with its oceans and fertile lands lost to time, where would they start?

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(English) A Sherlock Holmes for Mars

(English) The crime scene is an impact crater and the mystery is an elusive one for scientists – detecting life’s fingerprints on Mars.

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