23-27 May 2016 | ESTEC, The Netherlands
Leading the way to a debris-free space
It is no secret that the space sector now faces one of it’s biggest challenges: the overpopulation of space debris in orbit.
Clean Space develops the technologies that will ensure that in the future satellites will not produce further junk. It also prepares a mission for taking down current debris from orbit.
CleanSat: the objective is to speed the implementation of innovative technologies in the evolution of LEO platforms in order to prevent the build up of debris from satellites launched in the future (debris mitigation).
e.deorbit: The first mission of it’s kind, e.deorbit will remove a single large ESA-owned space debris from the LEO protected zone. The technologies developed in the frame of the mission will support the debris remediation.
All European space actors involved or who want to be involved in these activities, can join The Clean Space industrial days which will take place at ESTEC from 23 to 27 May 2016. This will provide an opportunity to discuss technological breakthroughs in the mitigation and remediation of space debris.
If you want to participate to these fascinating discussions and be part of these activities, you can register to the Clean Space Industrial Days here: https://indico.esa.int/indico/event/128/
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