Our Clean Space Industrial Days (CSID) will take place once again at ESTEC from 23rd to 25th October 2018. Save the date!
The Clean Space Industrial Days are the place to be for experts in EcoDesign for Space, technologies for Space Debris Mitigation (SDM) and Active Debris Removal (ADR).
Initiated in 2012 with the “Clean Space: EcoDesign and Green Technology Workshop” & the “Clean Space: Workshop on Active Space Debris Removal” events, the Industrial Days have quickly grown to a must-attend event. Over 250 representatives from over 100 European entities (space industry, agencies, universities and research centres) have attended every year, allowing fruitful discussions on the main technical challenges and advancement encountered in the represented fields.
In 2017, interest for the sessions on EcoDesign for space – designing to address environmental impacts and foster green technologies – was unexpectedly high and we often ran out of chairs. In 2018, we will offer a prominent role to this branch and, obviously, ensure a big enough space.
Technologies for debris mitigation remain a hot topic for most space actors. The goal is to design spacecraft with a reduced debris production potential. Nowadays, from laymen to the space experts, everybody understands the urgency of preventing further debris creation. The CSID offer a platform to focus on the development of the required technologies, encouraging all actors to exchange their advancements and difficulties, and strongly promoting European cooperation.
The last topic but not the least concerns technologies to grab debris. These technology development will also support current industrial efforts to design a space servicing vehicle (also called a space tug). Indeed the same technologies can be used to serve operational spacecraft through refueling, repairing, maintenance and so on.
Last October we:
- held sessions on EcoDesign for space mission, e.Deorbit and technologies for space debris mitigation
- played the eco-design game which has proven to be an effective and fun tool to learn about environmental impacts of space missions
- played football
- held roundtables on serveral topics such as ‘Sustainability of Space’, ‘Market for Active Debris Removal and Satellite Servicing‘, ‘LCA Space Propellants’. Note that we launched a new series of posts prepared by the main actors of the roundtables.
- brainstormed in the CDF with the industry working on GreenSat
- had plenary sessions to discuss legal aspects of debris
- discussed about the importance of reliability tools for the decisions on end of life operations
- brainstormed on the technical and legal approached to a new re-entry approach called ‘semi-controlled’
While all these topics looked a bit futuristic a few years ago, they are now a priority for the European space sector.
Register and submit your abstract online: 2018 Clean Space Industrial Days
Discussion: 6 comments
Count me in !…
we are looking forward to seeing you there Christophe!
Can interested US civilians looking to start an endeavor in the space debris mitigation market attend this conference?
Dear Jimmy,
thank you for your interest and question. We have a limited number of seats so we have to give priority to European space industry representatives.
All the best,
I am interested in attending, how can I subscribe / pre-register? We would even be interested in presenting our ideas and findings (poster / workshop / session) if possible and appreciated by the audience?
When are you planning to open registration or pre-registration?