From Dirk (ESA) back in NL, 17 December

Kiruna flight path

We had a bit trouble with the landing last week, which damaged some of the aircraft’s tyres.

 However, after replacing the tyres and checking the functionality of the aircraft the Russian crew gave the OK to carry out another flight. 

 The plane took off on Friday afternoon to look through the upper atmosphere with very high resolution.

 The picture shows the flight path of the Geophysica off the Norwegian coast. 

The colours give an indication of the atmospheric winds spinning and changing direction.

 With the flight, we hope to study the features just west of the Norwegian coast, around point C on the map. 

 The Gloria instrument worked throughout the flight so we achieved some good data showing the dynamics and the chemistry of the atmosphere.

 Now the aircraft will go back toRussiaand everyone is happy that we have the first data from this new instrument before going home for Christmas.