Horizons launch day is set for 6 June 2018. For ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst, NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor and Roscosmos commander Sergei Prokopyev it will be a long day with an early start. Below is a detailed timeline of the run-up to launch for their two-day voyage to the International Space Station.
All times are in GMT and are indications. Launch is scheduled at 11:12 GMT, 13:12 CEST.
Time L-
02:12:41 9:00 Crew wakeup at Cosmonaut Hotel
05:12:41 6:00 Crew departs Cosmonaut Hotel
05:27:41 5:45 Batteries installed in booster
05:55:41 5:16 Crew arrives at Site 254
06:12:41 5:00 Tanking begins
06:42:41 4:30 Crew suit up
07:07:41 4:05 Booster loaded with liquid Oxygen
07:42:41 3:30 Crew meets family members on other side of the glass
08:07:41 3:05 First and second stage Oxygen fueling complete
08:12:41 3:00 Crew walkout from Site 254 and boards bus for the launch pad
08:17:41 2:55 Crew departs for launch pad (Site 1)
08:37:41 2:35 Crew arrives at launch pad (Site 1)
08:47:41 2:25 Crew boards Soyuz; strapped in to the Descent module
09:37:41 1:35 Descent module hardware tested
09:52:41 1:20 Hatch closed; leak checks begin
10:12:41 1:00 Launch vehicle control system prep; gyro activation
10:15:00 1:00 ESA TV launch coverage begins
10:27:41 :45:00 Pad service structure components lowered
10:28:41 :44:00 Clamshell gantry service towers retracted
10:35:41 :37:00 Suit leak checks begin; descent module testing complete
10:38:41 :34:00 Emergency escape system armed
10:57:41 :15:00 Suit leak checks complete; escape system to auto
11:02:41 :10:00 Gyros in flight readiness and recorders activated
11:05:41 :07:00 Pre-launch operations complete
11:06:41 :06:00 Launch countdown operations to auto; vehicle ready
11:07:41 :05:00 Commander’s controls activated
11:08:41 :04:00 Combustion chamber nitrogen purge
11:09:41 :03:00 Propellant drain back
11:09:56 :01:45 Booster propellant tank pressurisation
11:11:11 :01:30 Ground propellant feed terminated
11:11:41 :01:00 Vehicle to internal power
11:12:06 :00:35 First umbilical tower separates
Auto sequence start
11:12:11 :00:30 Ground umbilical to third stage disconnected
11:12:26 :00:15 Second umbilical tower separates
11:12:29 :00:12 Launch command issued
Engine Start Sequence Begins
11:12:31 :00:10 Engine turbopumps at flight speed
11:12:36 :00:05 Engines at maximum thrust
11:12:41 00:00 LAUNCH OF SOYUZ MS-09
11:21:26 +08:45 Third stage shutdown and orbital insertion
After 34 orbits of Earth, ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst will arrive at the International Space Station on 8 June at 13:07 GMT (15:07 CEST). His Soyuz spacecraft will dock with the Station’s Rassvet module. The hatch will open about two hours later, marking the start of the Horizons mission.
8 June 2018
12:15 ESA TV docking coverage begins
13:07 Docking
13:20 Docking hooks close
13:23 Pressure-check for leaks
14:30 ESA TV hatch opening coverage begins
15:05 Hatches open for greetings and safety briefing
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