30 minutes every day … so Alex‘ body gets used to some effects of weightlessness even before the start.
During the last days before launch Alexander Gerst’s schedule is as busy as always. To give you an impression we’d like to share this general schedule here. So, here’s the plan of the pre-launch activities of ISS expedition 56/57 at the cosmodrome in Baikonur:
27.05.18 Sunday
1. Medical checkup
2. Preparation for space flight factors
3. Physical training
28.05.18 Monday
1. Medical checkup
2. Training on Flight programme and ballistics of Soyuz MC-09
3. Consultation on the ISS RS flight programme
4. Practical training on using photo equipment
5. Preparation for space flight factors
6. Symbolic activities
7. Physical training
29.05.18 Tuesday
1. Medical checkup
2. Training on Flight data file of Soyuz MC-09
3. Training on manual approach
4. Preparation for space flight factors
5. Symbolic activities
6. Physical training
30.05.18 Wednesday
1. Medical checkup
2. Practical training on using photo equipment
3. Stowage of the payload and the equipment to be uploaded aboard Soyuz MC
4. Final preparation of the crew personal kit to be stowed in Soyuz
5. Preparation for space flight factors
6. Physical training

The Baikonur Cosmodrome and all the activities that take place there. Credit: ESA.
31.05.18 Thursday
1. Medical checkup
2. Check of Soyuz MC-09 (# 739) on platform # 254
3. Handing over of ISS-56/57 crew’s personal kits to be stowed in Soyuz MC
1.6.18 Friday
1. Medical checkup
2. Consultation on Flight data file, flight program and ballistics of Soyuz MC-09
3. Current operational status of the ISS RS (based on the data from MCC)
4. Consultation on the medical support means of Soyuz MC, ISS RS
5. Symbolic activities
6. Preparation for space flight factors
7. Physical training
2.6.18 Saturday
1. Medical check-up
2. Preparation for space flight factors
3. Physical training
1. Medical checkup
2. Preparation for space flight factors
3. Physical training
4.06.18 Monday
1. Medical checkup
2. Meeting with the medical management of the flight
3. Stowage of the flight data file in Soyuz MC (#739)
4. Preparation for space flight factors
5. Symbolic activities
6. Physical training
Rocket roll-out
05.06.18 Tuesday
1. Medical checkup
2. Procedures of the crew interaction with the instructor during the pre-launch preparation of Soyuz MC # 739
3. Briefing on the timeline of the launch day
4. Meeting of the State committee (17.00)
5. Press-conference (18:00)
06.06.18 Wednesday LAUNCH Day
1. Medical preparation for the launch
2. Pre-launch medical activities
3. Departure for the launch pad
Launch times
11:12 UTC/GMT
13:12 Central European Summer Time (CEST)
14:12 Moscow time
17:12 Local time Baikonur
Saturday 19.5.2018
1. Flight to Baikonur
2. Preliminary preparation of the crew personal kit to be put in Soyuz
3. Briefing on communication system test during the fit-check of Soyuz MC-09 (#739)
4. Briefing on Soyuz MC-09 (# 739) board operations procedures
Sunday 20.05.18
1. Medical checkup
2. Fit-check of Soyuz MC-09 (#739) on platform # 254
3. Physical training

Flags ceremony
Monday 21.05.18
1. Medical checkup
2. Flags ceremony
3. Training on Flight data file of Soyuz MC-09
4. Practical training on the manual approach
5. Practical training on Econ experiment
6. Visit to the museum of Baikonur city
7. Symbolic activities
8. Preparation for space flight factors
9. Physical training
Tuesday 22.05.18
1. Medical checkup
2. Training on the flight data file of Soyuz MC-09
3. Briefing on the ISS RS safety measures procedures
4. Practical training on performing experiment “Econ-M”
5. Symbolic activities
6. Preparation for space flight factors
7. Physical training
Wednesday 24.05.18
1. Medical checkup
2. Training on the flight data file of Soyuz MC-09
3. Practical training on performing experiment “Econ-M
4. Training on manual approach
5. Preparation for space flight factors
6. Physical training 1. Medical checkup
Thursday 25.05.18
1. Medical checkup
2. Practical training on the manual approach
3. Training on the flight data file of Soyuz MC-09
4. Symbolic activities
5. Preparation for space flight factors
6. Physical training
Friday 26.05.18
1. Medical checkup
2. Work with Communication and tracking system “Rassvet-3BM”
3. Training on Flight data file of ISS RS (Emergencies)
4. Training on the flight data file of Soyuz MC-09
5. Training on flight plan and ballistic of Soyuz MC-09
6. Symbolic activities
7. Preparation for space
8. Physical training
Saturday 26.05.18
1.Medical checkup
2. Preparation for space flight factors
3. Physical training
Discussion: 3 comments
This is amazing information! Looking forward to having more of such timelines throughout the whole astronaut training and missions!
Thank you very, very much!
Matt Harasymczuk
I’m really happy that’s you who get up there again. You’re in my mind and my prayer. These days i also remember Alan Bean (a hero of my childhood dreams) and think you can be proud to stand on the shoulder of giants and be followed by millions of enthusiastic space-fans.
Good Luck („Glück Auf!“)
Greetings from Oberhausen, Gert
Hey Alex, so good luck and the best of your journey around our planet. I hope your lunch is famous and all thinks took without problems.
Good journey