If you want to be part of the European community of brilliant scientists that will plan which samples are returned and how we get ready to analyse the martian treasures, this is your chance.
NASA and ESA have just opened a Call for Membership in the Mars Sample Return (MSR) campaign science group. In its first stage, the selected group will support the lead scientists planning and implementing the science programme.
This first phase is just the beginning of a series of opportunities for the international science community to participate in the science planning activities and ultimately in the sample analysis. The goal is to maximise the overall scientific results that will come from the Red Planet.

Mars Sample Return has been a high priority for the planetary science community for more than four decades. Analysing martian samples in terrestrial laboratories will advance our understanding of Mars in ways that are impossible with in-situ missions or martian meteorites.
All the information on how to apply, which documents you need to submit and whom to contact with questions is on the ESA’s Research Announcements page.
Discussion: 3 comments
Ein Weg:
Abholung von zuvor gesammelten Proben in einem Transportbehälter.
Spezialbehälter am Boden mit langen Seilen + “Fesselballon”.
Ein “Flugobjekt” nimmt die Proben ohne Landung auf. Durchstarten aus der Atmosphäre und kehrt dann zur Erde zurück. ?
load Pickup without landing:
Me gustaria hacer parte en este proyecto entregando impresiones y comentarios q he escuchado, como tambien, entregando unos fragmentos para analisis que sin identicos a las fotos de elementos que nos han llegado del planeta marte.
This WILL be one of the most exciting and meaningful adventures ever ventured and the study of the Martian samples will help us venture towards living on and studying this very promising planet. Can’t wait to help out.