A warm welcome from DLR and ESA on a chilly autumn morning at SocialSpace
Credit: DLR/ESA/A. Morellon (CC-BY 3.0)
What kind of crazy bunch of people meets at a train station before 8am on a Sunday morning? Our kind of course!!
The lucky participants for the #SocialSpace event gathered just outside Cologne on Sunday morning before being taken by a bus of their very own to join the festivities at German Aerospace Day.
The hosts from ESA and DLR introduced themselves and welcomed everyone to the #SocialSpace tent. Then it was time to hear from everyone else in the room. Andreas Schepers set the challenge for everyone to introduce themselves using three hashtags.
It’s an amazingly diverse room/marquee with participants from all over Europe and from North America. As you might expect, there’s enthusiasm in abundance, but also a desire to be a little more awake, perhaps best summed up by Donal Brannigan
The most popular personal hashtags at #SocialSpace are #NeedCoffee and #Excited – @brannigand
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