Profile on John Goldsmith, keynote speaker at ESA’s #SocialSpaceWA social media event, 10 Feb 2016, New Norcia, Australia.

Dr John Goldsmith
Dr John Goldsmith is a Western Australian-based astrophotographer with more than 30 years experience and, since 2009, curator of the Astrofest astrophotography exhibition. His PhD research, at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, Curtin University, investigated cultural astronomy and the documentation, communication and sharing of Aboriginal sky knowledge, associated with Wolfe Creek Crater and radio astronomy initiatives in the Murchison region of Western Australia. His research applied a suite of digital imaging for site documentation, including astronomical timelapse and 360° spherical imaging. Dr Goldsmith is a member of The World at Night (, a leading global network of astronomical landscape photographers. He is the creative developer behind Celestial Visions ( and his astro-imaging is exhibited worldwide. In 2011, John was awarded the inaugural De Laeter Science Engagement Scholarship, (Gravity Discovery Centre, Western Australia).
#SocialSpaceWA presentation title: The Universe. Yours to discover.
Date/time: 19.30AWST, Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Venue: ESA Educational Room, New Norcia Monastery, New Norcia, Western Australia
Note: Audience restricted to registered participants in #SocialSpaceWA. New Norcia monastery tOWN residents admitted on a space-available basis
The Universe really is yours to discover! Dr John Goldsmith will talk about the fascinating world of astronomy, how it inspires people of all ages and cultures to wonder about the Cosmos, to explore its mysteries, and to discover new insights. Astronomy and the space sciences are full of exciting developments, in which the New Norcia Deep Space Ground Station in Western Australia plays an important role. Dr Goldsmith shares his experience of adventurous astrophotography projects, which have documented unique astronomical events at important terrestrial sites, including World Heritage locations. A superb range of astronomical images and night-time terrestrial landscape photography will be presented. The dedicated work of astronomers, space scientists and astrophotographers, all inspire new generations to explore and discover the remarkable Universe we live in.
Related web site:
Dr John Goldsmith at The World at Night:
Dr John Goldsmith on Vimeo:
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