The title reads: Ōuzhōu kōngjiānjú zhù Zhōngguó dēngyuè: Cǎijí rènwù xìnhào, according to Google Translate as updated by my Estrack colleague Erik Soerensen!

He says this means: Europe (欧洲, Ōuzhōu) Space Agency (空间局, kōngjiānjú) help (助, zhù) China (中国, Zhōngguó) to go to the moon (登月, dēngyuè): Collect (采集, Cǎijí) job (任务 rènwù) signal (信号xìnhào)

New Picture (5)This is quite possibly the first time one of our ESA web articles has been translated into Madarin in its entirety and posted in a major web portal! This text is (well, appears to be) the Chinese version of Helping China to the Moon.


新浪科技讯 北京时间12月2日消息,据欧空局官网报道,在嫦娥3号月球探测器发射升空之后,欧洲空间局(ESA)的追踪站网络马上开始了运作,为其为期5天的月球之旅提供关键支持。12月2日凌晨01:30,搭载嫦娥3号的长征三号乙运载火箭在中国四川的西昌卫星发射中心顺利升空。
