Update 27 March (19:06) from ATV-CC meeting room

The final Engineering Support Team (EST) briefing before tomorrow’s ATV rendezvous is under way. An expert representing each functional position on the team gives a status update, reporting on problems, if any, experienced between launch and now.

  • The team is more comfortable compared to the day before rendezvous (RDV) for ATV-1 and ATV-2. This has several explanations:
  • The teams are more experienced and quite  a few have participated in the the two previous missions

Improvements have been made to both to ATV and ATV-CC after the first and second flight

Now that we know that the antenna boom is properly deployed and locked we can look forward to the RDV tomorrow. Contact with the ISS is planned at 22:33 GMT.

More news tomorrow, time permitting

— Charlotte