(updated 18.3) This morning, ESA’s Adam Williams, one of the mission directors at ATV-CC in Toulouse, conducted a Q&A video conference with almost 400 very enthusiastic 7- to 11-year-old students at Preistmead Primary School, Harrow, near London, UK. The call went very well! “They were brilliant – and they asked a lot of very good questions,” he said. The questions ranged from “How do you become an astronaut?” to “How high is the ISS?” and “How did the world and the solar system begin?” Adam remarked that it was great to communicate live from ATV Control Centre with such a keen group of young space enthusiasts.
The call coincided with UK Science & Engineering Week, sponsored by the British Science Association, comprising a 10-day programme of around 3,500 events running throughout the whole of the UK with the aim of celebrating science, engineering and technology. Some nice photos are below, courtesy of our colleagues at CNES’s Blog de l’ATV.
Editor’s note: We’d love to hear from Priestmead school with any photos, video clips or reactions!
Image credit: Prodigima Films 2011 pour le CNES
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