It was a difficult choice but we managed to narrow down the three entries who will be contacted for a Shaun the Sheep baahtermis prize. We chose one for each platform, with the jury consisting of members from ESA and Aardman teams.
For Facebook we chose this nice drawing by Enzo, claiming the Moon is made of roquefort

On Twitter this comparison had us fooled, using actual Artemis pictures (we recognise them!)
On Instagram “picklemoonshine” submitted a whole book as a reel, and is a fan of Grana Padano.
Winners will be contacted by ESA official accounts shortly but with the end-of-year hecticness we will not be sending the badges or plushy until 2023.
Excellent entries
With the magic of embed we are happy to share the other entries (only on Twitter for the moment will try to add other platforms later) that showed creativity and passion, thanks for joining the fun and following Shaun’s mission to the Moon!
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