What is your name and your role on the ESM team?
My name is Gabriela, I am an Orion European Service Module Propulsion Sub-System and Assembly, Integration and Test Quality Engineer at Airbus.
How long have you been involved in European Service Module’s development and what are your tasks?
In total I have been working on the Orion program nearly seven years. The first years I worked with NASA White Sands Test Facility, as a Propulsion Engineer mainly working on the Orion Propulsion Qualification Module’s Hot firing testing campaign. These past three years, I have been working as a quality engineer ensuring the qualification and acceptance of the propulsion sub-system level equipment of the various European Service Modules and supporting the test campaigns.
What is your educational background/prior work experience? How did you come to work on the European Service Module?
I studied a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Aerospace engineering at the New Mexico State University, located in Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. The semester prior to graduating I worked as a co-op with NASA White Sands Test Facility in the Orion Program. Upon my graduation I was offered a full-time job on site which started my career as a Propulsion Engineer supporting both ambient and altitude hypergolic rocket engine testing.

What is a notable or memorable moment during your time working on the European Service Module?
I have so many wonderful stories, and memorable moments while working on the Orion program. Some of the best ones were during test campaigns! The people are my favourite part, I have met so many wonderful professionals and individuals in this program.
Personally, one of the highlights of my career was the day we received the Propulsion Qualification Module at the White Sands Test Facility. At the time I was tasked to coordinate and orchestrate the installation of the module into the Test stand. This was a two day operation effort, working with many disciplines and a fully international team. It was challenging nonetheless but one of my proudest moments! I remember the sense of accomplishment and the excitement I felt seeing the Module fully installed and what it would mean for the years to come.
What does it mean to you to be part of the larger team helping to get humans back on the Moon?
Ever since I can remember , space exploration has been my dream. And to know that I am now part of this amazing program that keeps pushing our limits and expanding our horizons as humanity, it simply leaves me speechless. There is no words to explain what it feels like to make you dreams come true while working with many other people who share your same passion.
What is one thing you’d like the European public to know about your job?
Funny story: Honestly when I picked my major I did it thinking on how much I loved math and how literacy was not my favourite field. Funny enough, many engineering jobs are about 30 % calculation/math, and the remaining 70 % you spend it explaining the first 30 percent! (perhaps some more than others)
With Quality engineering, that 30 % has been reduced to nearly 0% however, I enjoy being able to still oversee the technical aspect of the European Service Module development as well as the production side. A nice harmonisation if you want to be involved in literally every detail and you love problem solving.
Do you have any advice for future generations interested in space exploration?
So many things but here are my main three:
1. Think of yourself as you think of the universe, limitless!
2. Knowledge is acquired in steps. Don’t be shy to ask for help; you must start at T minus 10 before you are GO for launch!
3. Stop comparing yourself to others, remember that more than one trajectory can reach a destination. Be the Master of yours!

Discussion: 4 comments
Thank you for explaining and expressing your job in such a way that it feels like a dream from heaven.
Well done and congratulations.
Hello Angela,
Thank you for your wonderful words, they are greatly appreciated! I am happy to be able to share this experience with you.
Kind regards and all the best to you,
You are an inspiration for girls… and boys. Engineering is for everyone. We could reach for our dreams! And you are a little bit closer to the stars….SO PROUD!
So Proud of all your accomplishments, it truly is a pleasure to work with the greatest team, both Contractor and NASA! Blessings for Great and Successful projects to go above and beyond our Mission in Aerospace!
WSTF 1972-2016