We continue to highlight all entries for the Art for Artemis project. All these artworks will be on display at the Bremen Waterfront with more exhibtions to come possibly. Today we look at a team from Sweden, Ellen, Johan, Fanny, Benjamin, Emanuel have a message:

What school are you studying at and what degree?
Forsbergs skola: Copywriting and Graphic Design
Tell us about the technique used to make your Art for Artemis piece.
The art is one hundred percent made by machines – made by humans. In other words we made it using computers. By combining gradients and vectors we were trying to catch the feeling of 10 different pieces coming together and forming a heart in space.
What inspired you to make the artwork and who are your inspirations in general?
As we were researching ESA’s activities and operations, we came to the realisation that none of it would be possible without national collaboration. With our artwork, we therefore wanted to highlight how ten countries have collaborated to create something extraordinary together – a module making it possible to travel to the moon. Beyond this, we came to the conclusion that the module is of a technical nature, making it harder for people to connect with the project. With the hope of getting more people to forge an emotional bond with ESA, our artwork represents an anatomic heart made of ten pieces, each one representing a contributing country. Because when we go to space, we want to remind ourselves that partnership is essential. And that we are more than just modules and machines. We are humans.
Do you have any thoughts to share about the Moon and human spaceflight?
We believe that this space travel is very important, especially during these difficult times. The cooperation that it requires is inspiring and underlines the importance of countries working together rather than creating more boundaries between us. It’s a great step towards the future – where we hope for more collaboration and less competition (especially when it comes to science and technology).
Anything else you would like to add…
We love you to the moon and back <3
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