Timeline is based on the latest info provided by ATV-CC Toulouse and will be updated in real time between now and Sunday. If any specific event should change by just a few minutes, we may not get a moment to update this and we’ll let you know via Twitter (you do follow @esaoperations in Twitter, don’t you?).

The ATV control centre in Toulouse, France, commands the craft throughout their missions. Credit: CNES/M. Pedoussaut
All times GMT
Friday 13 Feb
By 16:00 | ATV Flight dynamics team complete final undocking & reentry predictions |
10:27 | ATV-CC – Start configuring ATV for egress, undock & flight, without the failed PDC4 chain |
12:45 | Initialise on board GPS settings |
15:10 – 18:00 | Start of egress activities for crew. This includes:Remove surplus equipmentClose-out photos/video of interiorDowlink photos/videos to ground for examinationClose hatchATV Vestibule de-pressurizationLeak check |
Saturday 14 Feb
07:34 | Start undocking critical phase |
08:52 | ISS hooks opening |
13:16 | ATV wakeup |
13:34 | Demerging |
13:40 | Earliest possible separation |
13:44 | SEPARATION |
13:45 | ATV departure manoeuvre (thruster burn) |
13:59 | ATV leaves the ISS ‘approach ellipsoid’ (critical area around Station) |
16:06 | End of undocking critical phase |
16:30 | Operations briefing at ATV-CC – last one ever? |
Sunday 15 Feb
11:30 | Start of reentry critical phase |
11:30 | Start of reentry manoeuvre operations |
14:30 | DEO1 First deorbit manoeuvre |
15:56 | Tank switch |
17:26 | DEO2 Second deorbit manoeuvre |
17:57 | Tumbling (expected until 18:11; includes final loss of signal) |
18:12 | Impact (expected) |
18:26 | Final ATV-CC team briefing |
18:57 | End of reentry critical phase |
Discussion: 2 comments
Will you be publishing TLE’s for the undocking / reentry phases as you did for the launch ?
Hi Phil,
Yes; since you asked:
1 40103U 14044A 15045.60004630 .00000000 00000-0 12750-3 0 0006
2 40103 051.6471 336.2579 0014345 322.0611 311.8677 15.57261553 00004
Thanks to ATV flight dynamics team in Toulouse!
— Daniel