Europe’s space freighter ATV-5 is named after the founder of the Big Bang theory, Georges Lemaître (the theory of the origins of our universe, not the television show). Georges Lemaître was born in 1894 and developed a career as an astronomer, physics professor and Catholic priest.
Georges Lemaître was the first to suggest that the Universe had a definite beginning where all matter and energy were concentrated in one point – the theory of the Big Bang was born.
120 years after he was born and 13.82 billion years after our Universe began, Georges Lemaîtres will be honoured on the ATV bearing his name. In addition ATV Georges Lemaître will include in its cargo an image of Georges Lemaître that will be signed by the astronauts on the International Space Station. The photo will return to Earth as a testament to the scientist’s legacy.
Georges Lemaître continued to advance science throughout his life. He studied cosmic rays and worked on the three-body problem concerning the motion of three mutually -attracted bodies in space. He died in Louvain, Belgium, in 1966, at the age of 71.
Discussion: 4 comments
The latest verification of “Linde inflation” disproves Big Bang as Lemaître envisioned it based on Genesis hoping that Big Bang is the final word of cosmology and that our known universe is all that there is. Well, not so fast. The (Linde) Inflation requires infinite vacuum-energy (that’s the one which fills the space beyond our known universe) in order for any, including our known universe, to come into being. So this verification is a confirmation of the Multiverse — meaning universes continue ad infinitum so that very Genesis is dead-wrong. And so is the Big Bang as postulated by Lemaître. To celebrate him is like to celebrate all the alternative theories to Einstein’s proven ones. The latest inflation verification is the first proof of inflation, and an independent verification of the first Multiverse proof, given in “Hyperresonance Unifying Theory and the resulting Law”,
Where does Lemaitre ever write that his idea was “Genesis based”? It was science based. He was a scientist.
No, he wasn’t a scientist who would in his spare time put his clerical collar on and go preach sermons at local parish. He was a priest/Jesuit with a science degree. The difference is in that his idea of Big Bang was more likely Genesis-based than not.
His theory wasn’t based on data anyway, which normally means quasi-science, clergy or not. Also, you can’t expect from everyone to be like Einstein — with an ability to see new science ahead of new data.
Hoy en día, Monseñor Lemaitre estudios cosmológicos se llevan a cabo por la Iglesia Católica Romana a través de sus astrónomos jesuitas del Observatorio Vaticano, con la observación de que la astrofísica a través del telescopio del Vaticano Avances Technology Telescope en el Monte Graham, cerca de Tucson, Arizona (EE.UU.) en busca de huellas Dios en la creación.
La filial italiana del Observatorio del Vaticano está en las Villas Pontificias de Castel Gandolfo, cerca de Roma.
El actual director del Observatorio del Vaticano desde 2006 es el Padre argentino José Gabriel Funes, quien asistió al seminario en Córdoba (Argentina) y fue ordenado sacerdote en 1985, en esos años fue el Superior de la Compañía de Jesús en la provincia argentina del actual Santo Padre Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Papa Francisco).