Fuel tank for the ATV cargo carrier Credit/Copyright © 2007 David Monniaux. Via https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ATV_propeller_fuel_tank_p1220787.jpg
Confirmation from ESA’s Mission Director Marcus de Deus Silva received just after completion at 17:44 CEST today.
ATV propellant transfer (fuel and oxidiser) has just been completed successfully.
Best regards, Marcus de Deus Silva
ESA-ATV – MD on console
Marcus added in a subsequent update:
ATV-4 has just successfully transferred all its refuelling propellant to tanks in the Russian segment of the ISS. This propellant consists of liquid fuel and oxidiser, which is used by the ISS to boost its orbit and control its attitude.
As expected, the total length of the refuelling operation was about one and a half hours. However, the propellant transfer itself – that is the time taken for the liquid to flow through the pipes and connectors – only took about half an hour.
As announced earlier, the next refuelling system operation will be purging – to expel any residual propellant from the refuelling system piping.
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