A brief update from ESA mission directors, on Luca’s first days in space:
As the only space rookie on the International Space Station, he is adapting to weightless life. All new astronauts need time to interpret spatial cues in new ways. Luca’s brain is training to no longer process cues in the upright manner on Earth but analysing everything in three dimensions.
We have seen and talked to him today while he was performing his first planned activities.
Weekdays start around 09:00 GMT and end with bedtime at around 21:00 GMT. The weekend is off and let’s wait to hear how he spent his first weekend in space.
Luca’s first scientific data has already been downloaded on Earth, he completed the questionnaire on space headaches as planned on arrival Wednesday morning.
Discussion: 3 comments
Awesome start to Expedition 36! Look forward to amazing science as well as your insightful comments about life on orbit! I follow you with avid interest and great expectations for the crew and the team back on earth! Thank you for all your hard work. – Gary C.
Bella e intersante “Volare”… Luca ha un grande entusiamo per questa missione! l’ho salutato questa sera a le 22,12 mentre la ISS passava , l’ho salutero anche a le 23, 56 quando la ISS fara un bel passagio sul cielo sereno di san Mauro Pascoli…(dopo tante settimane con i nuvoli oggi vedeamo anche noi le stele…)
Buon lavoro in spazio Luca! Saluto i tuoi compagni, Fyodor e l’altri! Io sono fan ISS ! 🙂
Mi piacerebbe sapere l’esito di questi questionario sul mal di testa spaziale…Di sicuro quelli terrestri sono micidiali a volte. Buon lavoro a Luca !!!