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Samantha Cristoforetti

AMA with the masters of confinement

An astronaut, a ‘marsonaut’ and a doctor log into Reddit… It may sound like the start of a joke, but gather all your questions about confinement because it’s happening today! Today, Wednesday 29 April from 17:00, ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, Mars500 ‘marsonaut’ and ESA astronaut support engineer Romain Charles and Antarctica medical doctor Nadja Albertsen […]

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At home with ESA

Efforts are underway around the world to stop the spread of coronavirus, which means many of us are confined to our homes. We're unable to visit loved ones and in some cases, unable to go outside at all. Not being able to go about our normal daily lives, coupled with the risk of contracting this new and highly contagious virus, brings up all kinds of emotions. So we asked astronauts and experts who have experienced long periods of isolation or quarantine for their tips to help us through.

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