ESA title


Exploring our Solar System is one of humankind's most exciting adventures. ESA selected its first astronauts in 1978 for the 1983 Spacelab mission on NASA's Space Shuttle. Here you'll find more about our current astronauts – the class of 2009.


(English) A year in images for Europe’s human and robotic exploration

(English) Time flies when exploring space.

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(English) Glove is in the air

(English) Ever wondered how astronauts conduct delicate experiments in the harsh environment of space? Gloveboxes—sealed chambers equipped with built-in gloves—allow them to perform groundbreaking research without compromising safety or precision.

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Astronaut portrait - Sławosz Uznański. Credits: ESA - A. Conigli
Sławosz Uznański

(English) Grasping for space debris solutions

(English) In preparation for his upcoming mission with Axiom Space, ESA project astronaut Sławosz Uznański is getting to grips with a first taste of space exploration during the most recent ESA parabolic flight campaign.

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(English) ESA astronaut class of 2022: Astro Chat with Marco Sieber and Claude Nicollier

(English) In Episode 11 of this ESA Explores podcast series, we chatted with Switzerland’s first and latest ESA astronauts, Claude Nicollier and Marco Sieber.

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International Space Station

(English) 2001: a space odyssey for the first European woman on ISS

(English) On this day in 2001, former ESA astronaut Claudie Haigneré became the first European woman to visit the International Space Station.

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(English) Road to the stars: Training for the Moon at LUNA

(English) In the first episode of the new ESA Explores series, "Road to the stars," we chat with ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer about the LUNA facility, Europe's Moon on Earth.

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(English) Gaming to the Moon

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English.

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