ESA title


Matthias Maurer

(English) Watch live: Cosmic Kiss news conference

(English) ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer will soon be launched to the International Space Station for his first mission, ‘Cosmic Kiss’. Tune in to ESA Web TV Two from 9:00 CEST (8:00 BST) to 10:00 CEST (9:00 BST) Thursday 9 September to watch his pre-launch news conference and learn what awaits him in orbit.

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Samantha Cristoforetti

(English) Targeted launch dates for Matthias and Samantha

(English) NASA and SpaceX are continuing plans to launch Crew-3 astronauts to the International Space Station as early as Sunday 31 October, and targeting the return home of Crew-2 astronauts in the early-to-mid November timeframe.

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Matthias Maurer

(English) European science en route to space

(English) Astronauts are preparing to welcome SpaceX’s 23rd Cargo Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station this weekend, complete with European hardware and experiments on board.

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(English) Spaceship EAC: turning up the heat on lunar dust

(English) “Heat for one minute. Then, remove from the microwave and leave to rest before constructing your lunar habitat.” This, or something similar, could be part of an astronaut’s instructions in the future, as microwaves are used to process lunar regolith on the Moon.

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Thomas Pesquet

Les 100 premiers jours de la mission Alpha !

L’astronaute de l’ESA Thomas Pesquet a passé dimanche 1er août le cap des 100 jours à bord de la Station spatiale internationale depuis le début de sa mission Alpha. En ajoutant le temps passé lors de Proxima, il cumule en tout 296 jours en orbite ! Cet article détaille la plupart des activités effectuées par Thomas depuis le décollage du 23 avril dernier.

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International Space Station

(English) ESA Explores: ERA for astronauts

(English) ESA astronaut André Kuipers first encountered the European Robotic Arm (ERA) on paper, when it was intended for a proposed spaceplane called Hermes. Many iterations later, this European-built robot will soon be launched to the International Space Station – its new home in orbit.

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(English) A backbone network for a robotic arm

(English) The robotic arm gently transfers the astronaut to the far end of the International Space Station to install a radiator on the Russian side. A mix of commands and data flows between the robot and the human in outer space, and between the crew inside the station and the teams on Earth.

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International Space Station

(English) 20 years of capturing the Space Station from Earth

(English) As Europe celebrates 20 years of ESA astronauts on the International Space Station guest blogger Szabolcs Nagy looks at the history and methods of photographing the outpost.

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