ESA title


Astronaut portrait - Sławosz Uznański. Credits: ESA - A. Conigli
Sławosz Uznański

(English) ESA astronaut class of 2022: Astro Chat with Sławosz Uznański

(English) In Episode 10 of this ESA Explores podcast series, we spoke to Sławosz Uznański, an ESA project astronaut from Poland, about his training and preparations for a future mission to space.

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(English) LEGO bricks from space dust

(English) The team of ESA’s Spaceship EAC initiative revived their LEGO-building skills and 3D-printed the famous bricks from lunar regolith and meteor dust, providing a glimpse into how future construction on the Moon might look.

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(English) Mixing realities for lunar exploration

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar.

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(English) ESA astronaut class of 2022: Astro Chat with John McFall

(English) In Episode 9 of the ESA Explores podcast series, John McFall, a member of the European astronaut reserve shares his story and explains all about ESA's "Fly!" feasibility study.

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(English) ESA astronaut class of 2022: Astro Chat with Alexander Gerst

(English) In Episode 8 of this ESA Explores podcast series, we chat with ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst about his role as head of astronaut operations at ESA's European Astronaut Centre, guiding the next generation of space explorers on their adventures.

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(English) Hop hop hooray

(English) It’s time to celebrate ESA’s newly graduated astronauts. This Monday 22 April 2024 marked the official completion of one year of rigorous basic training for Pablo Álvarez Fernández, Sophie Adenot, Rosemary Coogan, Raphaël Liégeois, and Marco Sieber at ESA's European Astronaut Centre in Cologne, Germany. 

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(English) The Hoppers

(English) ESA’s new class of astronauts is ready to hop on their next adventure, and their class name says it all: the Hoppers.

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