From Gianfranco (ESA) 26 September 2013
Tasks to prepare the Swarm satellites for launch are proceeding well here in Plesetsk. It may be snowing outside but we’ve been focusing on getting the satellite batteries charged and getting them ready for fuelling.
Our Astrium colleagues had to arrange a few long shifts to get everything done on schedule but we are on track. The first satellite has been charged and yesterday it was moved to cleanroom 101B ready for fuelling.
In the meantime, the equipment used to do the fuelling was prepared. In addition, on Tuesday we did an ‘under table room’ inspection. This is where the checkout equipment interfacing with the launcher will be during countdown.
Today, fuelling the first satellite begins. First, we have to release the nitrogen and helium gas that is in the tanks for transportation. We then have to load up with Freon gas – each satellite takes about 100 kg in two tanks. We will start this tomorrow and continue on Saturday. Sunday will be used to let the gas stabilise in the tanks.
Tomorrow, we will also charge the second satellite’s battery.
As far as the team goes, Lucia, Karim and Yves joined us on Tuesday and they will take a close look at the first test results. Shaf, Ben and I will return to the Netherlands at the weekend.
When we arrived less than two weeks ago it was unseasonably warm and now we will be leaving with the first of the winter snow on the ground.
We will return, however, for the start of the ‘combined operations’, 20 days before launch. This is when we join the satellites to the Rockot launch vehicle and prepare for countdown.
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