Following the hazardous operations of fuelling SEOSAT-Ingenio that took place last week, the satellite has now been prepared to initiate Combined Operations with the launcher.
As seen in the images below, SEOSAT-Ingenio has now been cleaned, inspected and re-bagged in preparation for its transfer on Thursday 29th October to the S5B room where integration on the adapter (the VESPA Upper Part) and encapsulation will be conducted.

SEOSAT-Ingenio cleaned (Credits: ESA)

SEOSAT-Ingenio bagged for transfer (Credits: ESA)

Spacecraft re-bagged for transfer to S5B (Credits: ESA)
Before transportation to S5B, the spacecraft’s batteries will be charged up to launch voltage. On the launch pad ZLV, the umbilical lines were then validated with a simulator of the spacecraft.
On Tuesday 27th October, the Bilan Technique Plan Operations Cobinees (BT POC) meeting will be held in Kourou to confirm that both the spacecraft and launcher (specifically the upper part flight items) are ready to continue the campaign.
From the ESA SEOSAT-Ingenio launch campaign team in Kourou.
Read more about the SEOSAT-Ingenio mission.
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