Since EarthCARE arrived at the NASA building for storage at the Vandenberg launch site, the team has been carefully checking on the satellite.

EarthCARE safely stored. (ESA)

EarthCARE safely stored. (ESA)

They managed to all get together for dinner before many of the team members return home, leaving a few members to stay and babysit our precious satellite. The satellite will remain in storage until it is time to start the ‘launch campaign’ to get it ready for liftoff in May.

Team get together. (ESA)

Team get together. (ESA)

In parallel things are ramping up at ESA’s mission control centre in Germany in preparation for the launch simulation campaign. This is where the operations teams practice all the nominal and contingency routines, so they are fully prepared to take control of the satellite when it is launched.

Preparing to simulate EarthCARE launch at ESA's mission control. (ESA)

Preparing to simulate EarthCARE launch at ESA’s mission control. (ESA)

Read more about EarthCARE.