With liftoff set for today at 21:30 CET, the Ariane 5 rocket carrying the first Meteosat Third Generation Imager, MTG-I1, satellite is poised patiently on the launch pad at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana while the final checks are being carried out. Once in geostationary orbit, 36,000 km above the equator, this new satellite is set to herald a new era for meteorology.

MTG-I1 poised for launch (credits: ESA–M. Pedoussaut)
MTG-I1 has been at the launch site since mid-October being carefully readied for liftoff. Over the weekend, the all-important technical ‘launch readiness review’ gave the green light for liftoff and the Ariane 5 rocket subsequently rolled out to the launch pad.

Ready for roll out (credits: ESA–M. Pedoussaut)
ESA’s Meteosat Programme Manager, Paul Blythe, said, “I’d just like to congratulate everyone who has worked so hard to get us to this point. The mission has passed the launch readiness review with flying colours, which means that we are good to launch.
“It was a wonderful sight to see the huge Ariane 5 roll out to the launch pad knowing that our precious satellite is safely tucked inside the rocket fairing.

Rolling out to launch pad (credits: ESA–M. Pedoussaut)
“And of course, we are all very excited for liftoff this evening when we will see the rocket take to the skies so that our satellite can soon begin delivering critical meteorological data for weather forecasting and numerical weather prediction.”
For more details and updates on the launch, visit the Meteosat Third Generation website.
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