Preparations for the impending launch of SEOSAT-Ingenio continue well on schedule. After a thorough cleaning and inspection of the upper and lower parts of the Vega Secondary Payload Adapter (VESPA), the two halves of the supporting structure for the double launch were coupled on Wednesday 4th November with SEOSAT-Ingenio at the top. On Thursday 5th, a three-hour electrical function test confirmed the good health of the satellite and electrical connections.
Electrical testing (Credits: ESA)
Finally, on Friday 6th, all non-flight elements were removed from SEOSAT-Ingenio and the two fairing parts, having also been cleaned and inspected beforehand, were coupled together for encapsulation to form the Payload Assembly Composite (PAC). Before that, the satellite had a 30-minute photo session to record evidence of its status and detail images for future reference.
Fairing cleaning inspection (Credits: Airbus)
SEOSAT-Ingenio ready for encapsulation (Credits: Airbus)
SEOSAT-Ingenio fairing closure (Credits: ESA/CNES/Arianespace/Optique Video du CSG – S. MARTIN)
SEOSAT-Ingenio fairing closure (Credits: ESA/CNES/Arianespace/Optique Video du CSG – S. MARTIN)
SEOSAT-Ingenio fairing closure (Credits: ESA/CNES/Arianespace/Optique Video du CSG – S. MARTIN)
SEOSAT-Ingenio encapsulation (Credits: ESA/CNES/Arianespace/Optique Video du CSG – S. MARTIN)
ESA’s Gianfranco Spinella commented, “The encapsulation marks a significant step on the road to launch. From now on, we no longer have physical or visual access to the spacecraft. This means it is ready to join the launch vehicle on the launch pad to start its long journey and provide the images and data it was built for.
“This was a very emotional moment for all of us at the team here in Kourou, as well as for the many who have and are still contributing to the mission and cannot be present. This step in the launch campaign is primarily the result of the outstanding work performed by the prime industrial contractor Airbus Defence and Space – Spain. We are all very much looking forward to the launch next week!”
During the first few days of this week, the fuelling and pressurisation operations of the launch vehicle will be completed. Then, the PAC will be transferred to the launch pad on Wednesday 11th and integrated into the launcher on Thursday 12th. The launch date is scheduled for Monday 16th (22:52 local time).
From the ESA SEOSAT-Ingenio launch campaign team in Kourou.
Read more about the SEOSAT-Ingenio mission.
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